Around the world different massage techniques are used for both physical and emotional benefits. Click here for more information.

Using Physiotherapy to Recover from Desk Related Issues

24 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The modern work environment is more convenient than ever. Desks and fast-moving computers offer a sense of comfort. However, with this convenience comes a price: musculoskeletal issues. Long hours sitting at a desk can result in an array of problems, ranging from back pain to sciatic nerve entrapment. Fortunately, physiotherapy has a positive role to play in helping you recover. The Perils of Prolonged Sitting Prolonged periods of sitting can pose problems. Read More …

About Me
Massage Around The World: Different Techniques And Their Therapeutic Benefits

Hello everybody. I have spent the last few years backpacking around the world. It has given me the opportunity to experience many different cultures. During my travels, my back often ached from carrying my bag and I allowed myself the indulgence of regular massages. This really gave me an insight into how different cultures approach the same task! From the bone-breaking, no-nonsense approach in China to impossible manipulation in Sweden and total, blissful indulgence in Switzerland, I loved them all. Now that I'm training as a massage therapist, I actually understand more about the techniques used in various countries and the problems they can resolve. I thought that others might be interested in the different cultural approaches to massage and the therapeutic benefits. Please sit back, relax, breathe deeply and read a few posts. I hope you enjoy.
