Using Physiotherapy to Recover from Desk Related Issues

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Using Physiotherapy to Recover from Desk Related Issues

24 July 2023
 Categories: , Blog

The modern work environment is more convenient than ever. Desks and fast-moving computers offer a sense of comfort. However, with this convenience comes a price: musculoskeletal issues. Long hours sitting at a desk can result in an array of problems, ranging from back pain to sciatic nerve entrapment. Fortunately, physiotherapy has a positive role to play in helping you recover.

The Perils of Prolonged Sitting

Prolonged periods of sitting can pose problems. When you don't move around much, your muscles stiffen. Constantly angling your neck towards a computer screen may cause that to stiffen too. Adopting the wrong posture compromises your sciatic nerve. Using a keyboard heavily might also result in carpal tunnel syndrome. Overall, desk life can be quite bad for you.

Using Physiotherapy as Prevention

If sitting at a desk all day is something that already concerns you, you can use physiotherapy as a preventative tool. One approach involves asking a physiotherapist to assess your ergonomic setup. They'll assess whether your desk and workstation are supporting your physical needs. You can also ask them to form an exercise plan that supports your body. They can provide stretching techniques and simple exercises that'll help you preserve important muscle groups and avoid injury. 

Treatment Options for Desk Injuries

If you're already experiencing the ill effects of sitting at a desk, a physiotherapist can treat you in several ways. They include:

  • Manual therapies, like massage and manipulation. Such therapies are ideal for promoting healing and reducing pain.
  • Your physio can also guide you through exercises that'll help you heal the affected muscles. For example, strengthening exercises are great for back pain and stretches can soothe sore necks.
  • Physios are also excellent educators. They'll assess why you became injured or started experiencing pain and educate you on prevention methods. For example, they may advise you to get up and walk around more often.

Remote Working Solutions

When you're working remotely, it's even easier to fall into bad habits. Home setups are less likely to feature ergonomic solutions, which means you're more at risk of a musculoskeletal problem. Consulting with a physiotherapist can help you identify what's wrong with your workstation and find an appropriate solution. Although this means investing more money into your home office, you should find that you become extra productive as a result.

Working in a desk-centric job is a byproduct of the modern era. Although desk work has the potential to cause harm, injuries don't have to be inevitable. Using physiotherapy, you can enjoy the convenience of a desk job and stay healthy.

About Me
Massage Around The World: Different Techniques And Their Therapeutic Benefits

Hello everybody. I have spent the last few years backpacking around the world. It has given me the opportunity to experience many different cultures. During my travels, my back often ached from carrying my bag and I allowed myself the indulgence of regular massages. This really gave me an insight into how different cultures approach the same task! From the bone-breaking, no-nonsense approach in China to impossible manipulation in Sweden and total, blissful indulgence in Switzerland, I loved them all. Now that I'm training as a massage therapist, I actually understand more about the techniques used in various countries and the problems they can resolve. I thought that others might be interested in the different cultural approaches to massage and the therapeutic benefits. Please sit back, relax, breathe deeply and read a few posts. I hope you enjoy.
